Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Filmmaking - The Best 10-minute Movie Ending Ever

Filmmaking - Favorite Endings

This is my favorite last reel (10 minutes) of a movie, ever.
30-year-old Jimmy Stewart as George Bailey, in Frank Capra's
"It's A Wonderful Life."

I think it should be mandatory watching for filmmakers.

If you are unaffected by it, check your pulse, you may be dead.

Maybe the best thing ever filmed in the San Fernando Valley in August. (Temperature over 100F in the "snow.")

Some little-known facts about this wonderful movie.

Please let me know which is your favorite movie ending.



  1. It is a Wonderful ending!

    A few of my fav endings:
    Oscar and Lucinda
    Happy Accidents
    Charlie and The Chocolate Factory

    1. Thanks, Beautiful! Those ARE good! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
